Wednesday 27 June 2007

Tuesday 26th June - more

Pic 1. en route, in the rain.

Pic 2. The German-Polish border.

And see below for newly-added Gdansk photos.

We experienced something of what the UK has been having, with the wettest day of the journey by far. Sebastian is a Regenmeister in the Schumacher mould, and relished it - throwing the car around in a way I wouldn't have been able to do.

Without windscreen wipers we had to run with the top screen completely open, meaning that the rain hit us full in the face. Seb has decent goggles which, with his hood pulled tight, made it bearable. With only sunglasses I just hunkered down and concentrated on trying to stop the maps from turning to papier mache (only partly successful) and finding us a route around Berlin to Potsdam, avoiding both rush hour traffic and motorways. After sitting in puddles all day I worry about getting nappy rash - still, it soothes the mosquito bites!

At the German border we were kept waiting for longer than at either Latvia or Lithuania but, with the rain hammering on the roof of the customs shed we didn't mind too much.

As Seb says, the end is in sight now, and I can't wait to get back to my long-suffering and patient better half, Kevin, who has been trying to organise a welcome party for us despite our changes of timetable. Our return is badly timed from the point of view of crossing the channel, as apparently everything is fully booked, so no big reception in Paris. The party will have to wait until London on Sunday night, assuming we can squeeze the Austin into a corner on a Eurotunnel train.


Anonymous said...

Annabel and Seb,

What an atonishing run you have had so far. It's such a shame that we can't make it out to Paris to see your triumphant entry!!! How could you organise a 7.5kmile trip and we couldn't manage to get to Paris!?? Shocker!

Apparently the big rally is still 1,000 miles from Paris, though I'm not sure where that puts them.

See you soon chaps.

Paul R

Anonymous said...

Annabel and Seb,We will miss your daily news fix so much-would you like to go back and do it all over again for us ?
Very sad we cannot get to London to welcome you but Nic will be two days into his new chain-driven knee(no prizes for guessing his surgeon).We are full of admiration for you,see you as soon as poss,XX Judy n' Nic

Unknown said...

Brilliant effort guys, sorry I am away next week both for your return and the London Noggin... what an inspiration, makes me want to do something silly in the chummy!!
