Saturday 2 June 2007

Friday 1st May - from Altai to Dzereg

Today was a very long day - 15.5 hours and 186 miles. We left Altai through green hills but were soon back to desert.

Later: We've rescued a Mongol motorcyclist who had run out of fuel, and was then invited to tea and stay. Took tea, but it was too early for bed and pushed on...

Evening: We were in a sandstorm looking for a place to pitch tents when we were invited in by a family and given a Ger of our own.

News from Kip & Carmen
via Danica: "Just had a text message... they have ended up going to a Russian wedding. I asked how on earth they got invited and they said you have to have a lot of luck and an old car! No other news."

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