Saturday 2 June 2007

Saturday 2nd June - Dzereg to Hovd

Pic 1: A rare (and unusually detailed) road sign.

Pic 2: The state of the air filter

Pic 3: The state of the rear of the car

Pic 4: Arriving in Hovd - snowy mountains ahead of us.

Pic 5: A chance meeting with other Brits (possessing more suitable transport and cruising tunes on the stereo)

All is well.

We have arrived in Hovd one day ahead of Schedule after 88 Miles today and earlier we met a Brit and a Dutchman doing Beijing to Norwich! Their guide says the road ahead is good but snowy peaks in view though...

If all goes well (early start tomorrow and a good forecast) we should get to Novo by next Friday or Saturday.

Total mileage so far just under 2000 miles. Thinking of Jim Diffey today.

News from Kip and Carmen: "We nearly camped when a local man and his son asked us to stay with his family. they have a beautiful wooden typical russian house. We are so lucky! We broke down again and some Russians replaced all sorts before they thought it may be bad petrol."


austinofengland said...

Sir Herbert Austin would be proud!

Bertie Wooster said...

Cripes old boy you must dump some more stuff you only to keep the Gin!!.

Nicola and Noel said...

Great stuff. Your photos are wonderful. No mention of bridgeless rivers fortunately. Have you got to the border yet? Watch out for Michael's 30-98 & co. They are not far behind. Even if they keep to schedule (looks very tight with over 600km + a border crossing in one day!), you should still beat them to Novosibirsk! Any news of Kip and Carmen (passports notwithstanding)? We had a great day at Harewood yesterday in the sunshine, and observed a minute's silence for James. See you in Paris
Nicola and Noel