Monday 11 June 2007

Monday 11th June - to Yekaterinburg

Morning: So far rained all day ... still 137 miles to go Yekaterinburg - should make it.
Pic 1 - impressive set of metal teeth from man at our lunchtime cafe.

Pic 2 - changing the wheel

Pic 3: Fiat Bambino going around the world.

Pic 4: getting puncture fixed.

Today was a very long day,
with rain all the way to Yekaterinburg. The landscape varies between agridesert and silver birch forest.

We met Lang and Bev Kidby on the road today in their round the world Bambino (first met them in Novosibirsk). We had heard they'd broken a halfshaft yesterday, but Lang managed to weld it up to get them moving and, hopefully, as far as the border. They're up against it because they have 30 day Russian visas, and yet the car was delayed arriving, taking at least a week out of their time here.

For supper we joined the diamond dealers at a very good restaurant called Dacha - Sturgeon pie was a favourite dish and, to Seb's delight, they had pudding - apple and cinnamon tart with ice cream. All the taxi drivers in this city fancy themselves as Michael Schumacher, and we had a high speed city tour.


Anonymous said...

ха, а я их спалил на вьезде в Екатеринбург, хорошо хоть снега не было :)
во тут есть фотки
All greetings, Has photographed participants of automobile race on entry Ekaterinburg.
Photos here:

Anonymous said...

Keep it up ! We are all proud of you !